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W.I.P. - New level: Admiral's Canyon, In-game Backers Statue
AdministratorDate: Saturday, 27.09.2014, 01:57 | Message # 1
Site Administrator
Group: Administrators
Messages: 164
Awards: 5
Status: Offline
Here is new game level for skirmish matches and single player missions. Also here are located several huge exclusive statues, that specially designed in honor of Kickstarter backer, who are owner of "Admirals bundle" reward.

This is the largest level in Universum. This level is perfect for implementation of NODE-based strategy gameplay cause it contains many
huge flat surfaces. But also here are located canyons with large height
differences and a lot of long bridges. In the center of hot desert
located a deep quarry. Huge orbital mining rigs extracted therefrom
valuable minerals – roktalum. All this is surrounded by high mountains.

Attachments: 0844480.jpg (122.9 Kb) · 2663373.jpg (214.8 Kb) · 8666875.jpg (227.8 Kb)
hralDate: Tuesday, 30.09.2014, 14:41 | Message # 2
Group: Funders
Messages: 89
Awards: 2
Status: Offline
I like the screens !

And I think Sergey Titov is a pretty cool name for a space admiral.
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