Scotty | Date: Saturday, 10.01.2015, 21:12 | Message # 1 |
Group: Funders
Messages: 3
Status: Offline
| Hi all, I gave the game ago for a few hours today. Right now i find that turrets are very hard to take down in the 3rd mission. i used the majority of my resources before i was able to able to take down one of them.
What is the best tatic to take them down, as right now they appear far to powerful from what iv seen.
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Administrator | Date: Monday, 12.01.2015, 22:00 | Message # 2 |
 Site Administrator
Group: Administrators
Messages: 164
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| Hello Scotty, Welcome aboard!
Towers is a very powerful structure in this game, because it protects the most important objects and communication. But there is only one effective tactic: You should never attack the Towers alone and you must always use ranged weapons against it. For example, in the mission "Back in control" you get a bonus weapon (Deploying troops) for your Raider. So you can use the infantry troops to distract the attention of the Tower. When Tower will start attack the nearest enemy you can safely attack it by rockets from afar. Also you can use aircraft for that.
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TheButterKnife | Date: Sunday, 07.02.2016, 02:04 | Message # 3 |
Group: Members
Messages: 1
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| Alright, seeing as I cannot figure where to place this, I'm thinking that balance is the proper topic. (Seeing that I cannot seem to create one anywhere.)
I purchased this game 2/5/2016 and only played it the next day, though I have been looking at it for a good while for cooperative play.
I figured I would give it a test spin and decided to try the campaign mode figuring that a structured area would be best to test.
After being somewhat confused by the interface I managed to find the "First" mission involving a space battle and trying to get drop ships to the planet and to cripple their flying 'home base.'
It all sounds cut and dry for a first mission, however very pretty graphic aside it seems that the alien ships are far... far better than yours. It seems that they typically wind up nailed by green seeking energy blasts, or eviscerated by the asteroids faster than tomatoes to a blender.
Add in the literal instantaneous respawn and you have a very long grind match towards a fortified position with several static emplacements in said asteroid field. You are supposed to bombard them of course, though the ships meant to do so, have a nasty habit of getting caught by asteroids before they even get close, and if that doesn't do the job the four ever present alien ships certainly will.
Which in my case left me to construct a hideous frame rate clogging mass of fighters to overpower the objective.
I feel more like I was playing a prototype or more early made level that was affected by recent balancing. Maneuverability in space is also very very low, and the AI has a very bad habit of hiding under or above your pan limit. (Which seems off and on making navigation tricky.)
I'm not saying the game is bad or awful, but more the first level I played was a mock up or test run to see if the space level concept was feasible instead of a tuned first introduction to the game.
Though it's very possible that I may have pulled a dumb and chose the wrong level/settings or my CPU is haunted by the brand of AMD...or all of the above...
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hral | Date: Sunday, 07.02.2016, 02:43 | Message # 4 |
Group: Funders
Messages: 89
Status: Offline
| i also find the space battle difficult, been awhile since I played it. I remember it as easier controlling it as an RTS
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Administrator | Date: Sunday, 07.02.2016, 13:55 | Message # 5 |
 Site Administrator
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Messages: 164
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| Quote TheButterKnife (  ) Though it's very possible that I may have pulled a dumb and chose the wrong level/settings or my CPU is haunted by the brand of AMD...or all of the above... If you've played first time - you had to start the game from the giant button "START PLAY" on the main menu. The fact is that 99% of the gameplay takes place on the surface of the planet. Space mission is an exception, a bonus, which will never be in priority for development. Nobody is going to compete with spacesims. Since you haven't experienced general gameplay, your arguments seem to me like superficial judgment, unfortunately.
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hral | Date: Wednesday, 10.02.2016, 03:21 | Message # 6 |
Group: Funders
Messages: 89
Status: Offline
| it is however still valid, that this mission appears as the first, if you want to play all the missions, it is natural to start with playing the first mission.
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Administrator | Date: Wednesday, 10.02.2016, 12:33 | Message # 7 |
 Site Administrator
Group: Administrators
Messages: 164
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| This mission will not be the first anymore. I will make it unavailable for beginners.
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Shieldstar | Date: Thursday, 28.04.2016, 22:22 | Message # 8 |
Group: Gamers
Messages: 3
Status: Offline
| Hi
New poster here, great game, inventive, looks great, etc, but as above, for many like myself who are not so good with co-ordination, etc, or are basic gamers, its very hard, even on easy. I can't get past third training mission, is it possible to have a super easy setting or something, or change the balance on that setting, thanks.
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Administrator | Date: Saturday, 30.04.2016, 01:18 | Message # 9 |
 Site Administrator
Group: Administrators
Messages: 164
Status: Offline
| Hi, and welcome aboard! You don't need to win the third mission. It is rather a free practice or sandbox than challenge. You can just experience different tactics before the real missions.
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Shieldstar | Date: Saturday, 30.04.2016, 13:50 | Message # 10 |
Group: Gamers
Messages: 3
Status: Offline
| Thanks for reply, my request for a super easy setting is a general one not just training missions, its just too hard, i understand this won't affect everyone, but a considerable number of gamers struggle with RTS's but still want to play. I also wonder if we could have a pause button, like Total War series, COH series, etc, hopefully where you can still move around the battlefield.
Message edited by Shieldstar - Saturday, 30.04.2016, 13:53 |
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