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POLL: Chose production sequence of new Aliens Heroes
Choose what type of alien units you'd like to see in a game soon?
1. Queen [ 3 ] [14.29%]
2. Trident [ 1 ] [4.76%]
3. Stalker [ 3 ] [14.29%]
4. Titan [ 9 ] [42.86%]
5. Mantis [ 1 ] [4.76%]
6. Virus [ 4 ] [19.05%]
7. Other [ 0 ] [0.00%]
Answers total: 21
AdministratorDate: Friday, 30.08.2013, 21:57 | Message # 1
Site Administrator
Group: Administrators
Messages: 164
Awards: 5
Status: Offline
Now we form the sequence of creating new alien units to the game and we are interested to know your opinion.
Choose what type of alien units you'd like to see in a game at future. Also you can also upload here references of units that you like.
If you choose the other variant, feel free to describe it in detail!:)

NOTE: Funders only can take part in this voting! But all, members can post their opinions in this thread.
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