Dear developers who then tried to make a hovercraft? range of applications is huge, and just cool and noisy. I'm sorry if you did not write in the subject, I think the moderator will spread where necessary.
I think a vehicle which can move over land, water, and to some degree fall without taking damage would be pretty cool. However I mildly disagree with the "hovercraft", it's the reference to hover-technology which puts me off. I think more like anti-gravity or "skimmer" abilities, like the Eldar in 40k. See link for Eldar grav tank :
IMHO Hover-technology will always be too fragile to use as propulsion for a combat vehicle, because of the big rubber skirt, you put armor on that, and the craft will be too heavy too lift itself. So you would use it for support roles not frontline combat -
This example to break the above is the most epic military hovercraft I have seen, and I get to think about the terran mothership/base.
Message edited by hral - Sunday, 17.11.2013, 12:37