Captain Reward
hral | Date: Tuesday, 15.10.2013, 15:31 | Message # 1 |
Group: Funders
Messages: 89
Status: Offline
| Hi, The kickstarter says "CAPTAIN BUNDLE - Get Your Exclusive in-Game Captain to play!" But what does a Captain do, what do I get of exclusiveness for this purchase ? Do I also get to found an alliance ?
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Administrator | Date: Tuesday, 15.10.2013, 16:48 | Message # 2 |
 Site Administrator
Group: Administrators
Messages: 164
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| Hi, Captain is new commando-class unit who has the ability to teleport into the enemy's rear. Now I'm thinking over how best to implement the ability to teleport: using a parachute and rocket engine or some sci-fi technologies. I hope to hear our member’s opinion and suggestion about this choice! His basic weapon - silent Gaussian riffle. When he does not move, he can disguise himself. He can also undermine any enemy targets, use explosives with remote control, cause artillery strike and use drone-mines, when he get appropriate level.
You also get the right to found your alliance.
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Anomaly | Date: Saturday, 02.11.2013, 09:50 | Message # 3 |
Group: Funders
Messages: 2
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| Here's my complex idea for teleporting.
The Captain melts into liquid form. Then dries up and disappears. Then have The Captain reappear in normal form at the teleported location with a smoke bomb occurring like what a ninja or magician uses. The smoke could be like a brief fog of war for the enemy for a few seconds. The user controlling The Captain would either see clearly through the smoke or see the highlighted/thermo levels of enemy movement in the smoke to either attack the enemy or run away. A countdown timer should also appear to tell the user controlling The Captain when the smoke will clear and the captain will become visible.
This might be pretty hard to do with the animation of changing form. I got the turning to liquid form idea from The Terminator movies.
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hral | Date: Monday, 08.09.2014, 14:27 | Message # 4 |
Group: Funders
Messages: 89
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| Just a suggestion for a captain.
Instead of infantry it's a "flying tank" modelled after the fameous MIL MI 24 AKA. the Hind.
Soviet pilots called the Mi-24 the "flying tank", or летающий танк (letayushchiy tank).
It's a flying tank with a small transport capacity. MIL MIL Helicopter gunship
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hral | Date: Wednesday, 10.09.2014, 12:28 | Message # 5 |
Group: Funders
Messages: 89
Status: Offline
| Also just to contradict myselv
It shouldn't be insanely OP, that would make it "Pay2 Win". But the same amount of "power" as other powerful heroes, which when I see Siren doing her Rambo(w) style with thermonuclear-warhead tipped arrows is pretty fucking powerful
So a "flying tank" which of course is not as armored as a tank, but still quite armored, with the ability to act as spawning point for republican guard players, or unload it's capacity of 8 AI republican guard, not both, maybe.
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hral | Date: Wednesday, 10.09.2014, 12:30 | Message # 6 |
Group: Funders
Messages: 89
Status: Offline
| But it could also be one of the epic mechs from Delta Battalion, like the one that is feature on this awesome game concept image.
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Administrator | Date: Tuesday, 16.09.2014, 09:58 | Message # 7 |
 Site Administrator
Group: Administrators
Messages: 164
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| Quote hral (  ) But it could also be one of the epic mechs from Delta Battalion, like the one that is feature on this awesome game concept image. Good idea! When I drawing that concept, I had planned that this will be a helicopter-transformer for Planet "Terra" Stage. Something like a Mi-24 with steroids. Maybe I still will implement this idea in the future, but not for the captain reward. Cause Captain will be a human-commando in sci-fi costume.
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hral | Date: Monday, 22.09.2014, 12:38 | Message # 8 |
Group: Funders
Messages: 89
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| Cyril, how are you going to make the Captain more badass than a republican guard, that model is pretty badass. I'm guessing officers and sergeant in the republican guard looks like starwars, stripes on their heads things like that, even though it would be a bit dumb, I would really like to see a republican guard officer with a officers hat and everything. Maybe this could be inspiration for officers Linkage
To keep in the 40k genre, the Captain should maybe look like the Vindicare Assasain ? or more evil like the NOD stealth soldier from C&C
Message edited by hral - Monday, 22.09.2014, 12:38 |
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hral | Date: Friday, 26.09.2014, 23:36 | Message # 9 |
Group: Funders
Messages: 89
Status: Offline
| star wars commando
and russian mi24 promo video
Message edited by hral - Friday, 26.09.2014, 23:41 |
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