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W.I.P. - Working on Sound FX, Soundtracks [Video]
AdministratorDate: Saturday, 25.01.2014, 12:21 | Message # 1
Site Administrator
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Messages: 164
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Up to this point, Universum gameplay was absolutely silent smile But this month I did a lot of work on sounds and now game contains several hundreds of different sound effects (gunshots, explosions, vehicles, creatures and the environment effects, etc.) and in addition few soundtracks from some talented composers.

Some part of these sounds you can hear in this video:

hralDate: Saturday, 25.01.2014, 15:53 | Message # 2
Group: Funders
Messages: 89
Awards: 2
Status: Offline
Nice sounds, I like the different Planet soundtracks a lot !
NoamLoopDate: Monday, 27.01.2014, 23:57 | Message # 3
Group: Funders
Messages: 9
Awards: 0
Status: Offline
The music fits nicely! Are the themes for all the planets an indication that we "might" probably see more than Enigma (which was the only planet who "made it" as stretch goal in the Kickstarter) in the initial release?
Or are those more likely for upcoming expansions?

However it will turn out - one step after another - up to the goal and beyond! smile
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