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Universum: War Front - Scale Figures
AdministratorDate: Monday, 17.11.2014, 15:08 | Message # 1
Site Administrator
Group: Administrators
Messages: 164
Awards: 5
Status: Offline
This is exclusive hand made scale models. It will comes with special military-styled, wooden/metal boxes. Now in the world there are only 3
these models. This video shown all this stuff:

Guardian and Alien are implemented in different scales.
Guardian size: 220 mm H
Alien size: 140 mm x 140 mm x 100 mm
Boxes size: 360 mm x 160 mm x 170 mm
Weight of each model with box ~ 2 Kg

Some work in progress photo.

Attachments: 8067437.jpg (121.7 Kb) · 4830139.jpg (93.3 Kb) · 7369358.jpg (161.6 Kb) · 9987453.jpg (192.7 Kb) · 3417670.jpg (120.6 Kb)
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