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W.I.P. - Official tutorials
AdministratorDate: Thursday, 04.06.2015, 18:19 | Message # 1
Site Administrator
Group: Administrators
Messages: 164
Awards: 5
Status: Offline
I'm finally started creation of official video guides!
I'm sorry, I'm doing this so late, but I had to make some changes to the gameplay first.

This is a list of video tutorials on which I am working. These video files will be available directly in the game (in the version 1.3):

But you also can post in this thread you requests for video guides to let me know what aspects I should highlight in details!

Action gameplay
Corsair – basic movement
Corsair – basic weapons usage
Raider – basic movement
Raider – basic weapons usage
Archangel’s jet-pack usage
Arkar – basic movement
Arkar – basic weapons usage

Human's faction evolving and customization
Alien faction evolving and customization

Strategy gameplay
Strategy camera control
Units control
Construction of buildings and units
Dreadnought guide

Skirmish matches setup

Gameplay modes
Resource Rush

Also I made new load screens with tips, like in this examples:

Attachments: 1588614.jpg (232.9 Kb) · 7565958.jpg (404.4 Kb) · 5083111.jpg (556.9 Kb) · 2826843.jpg (334.4 Kb)
hralDate: Saturday, 13.06.2015, 14:40 | Message # 2
Group: Funders
Messages: 89
Awards: 2
Status: Offline
Looks cool, and good idea.
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