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W.I.P. - Difficulty level settings
AdministratorDate: Sunday, 19.07.2015, 15:21 | Message # 1
Site Administrator
Group: Administrators
Messages: 164
Awards: 5
Status: Offline
I'm now working on the difficulty level settings.

In the game will be three difficulty presets: Easy, Normal, Hard.
Difficulty level currently affect on:
- Amount of resources on start
- Maximum health and energy level of combat avatars
- Damage level of all weapons of combat avatars

Any suggestions what else it can affect?
TimoteiDate: Sunday, 23.08.2015, 18:11 | Message # 2
Group: Gamers
Messages: 10
Awards: 0
Status: Offline
- Upgrade cost
- Production speed
- Negative events (bad weather = slower moving units)
hralDate: Thursday, 27.08.2015, 21:40 | Message # 3
Group: Funders
Messages: 89
Awards: 2
Status: Offline
At the best it would affect AI decision making, but that could prove quite tough...
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