Main » 2015 » November » 15 » Co-Op Mode (Playable prototype), Multiple enemy Avatars, V 1.37-1.38 updates.
Co-Op Mode (Playable prototype), Multiple enemy Avatars, V 1.37-1.38 updates.

V 1.38 Co-Op Mode [Playable prototype]
Lately I received so many requests for Co-Op mode from people. With this in mind I decided to start developing it. And I'm already implemented in the game a playable prototype of Co-Op mode!
It currently supports 3 players per team:
- Server become a Commander who can control the base development and troops, and also he can control its own Avatar.
- Other players become a Combat avatars. They can control only their Avatars.
- On the enemy side can be 1 AI Commander and 1-3 AI Combat avatars. You can flexible setup quantity and type of enemy Avatars and other match settings.
Multiple Enemy Avatars in Skirmish Mode
In the single player skirmish mode you also can add to the enemy team 1-3 AI Combat avatars. And some campaign missions now has additional enemy Avatars on 'Hard' difficulty mode.
All this required to rework of many gameplay aspects. So, work is not finished yet. Also, skirmish GUI was little changed in accordance with the new requirements.
Now I'm thinking how to implement ordering/targeting system for effective cooperation between Commanders and Avatars..

V 1.37 Newest update.
- Strafe animation for ‘Corsair’.
- Selection of all allied troops on the level via ‘LeftCtrl+A’.
- Fixed bug with aiming in TPS/FPS mode.
- Difficulty presets for enemy AI. Now in 'Easy' mode enemy AI will start making air and artillery squads much later.
- Balance changes.

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