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WARSHIFT single player campaign overview: Mission 1 - Orbital Strike

MISSION 1 - Orbital Strike


1. Destroy enemy’s ARK and orbital defense.

2. Protect your ARK and republican dropships.

TIPS: Use Dreadnoughts in bombardment mode to attack enemy’s ARK.

WARNING: Do not dive into the asteroid field. Meteorites can destroy you!



 Greetings, Commander! The flagship of the Republican Space Fleet - ARK “Hermes” has just arrived in orbital sector of the planet “Enigma”. You have to face up with the enemy which has never been faced by any army in the world. As you know, the assault of the planet should start from the capture of its orbit. The dreadnoughts of the Republican Space Fleet have already caused a serious damage to the enemy's defense by massive orbital bombardments. Now, you have been assigned to ensure the safe landing of our cyber-guardians on the planet. To make the assault of the planet successful at least 70% of our dropships should survive. Create and use our newest space interceptors to attack the alien spaceships, and do not forget about the defense of your ARK. If it is destroyed, we will be no longer able to resume this offensive operation. Good luck, Commander!


- Greetings, Commander! Our fleet has just arrived in the orbital sector of the planet “Enigma”. The dreadnoughts have caused serious damage to the enemy's defense.

- Our elite assault troops, consisting of cyber-guardians and combat drones, are ready for landing on the planet's surface.

- But they have come face to face with the enemy which has not faced yet by any army on the Earth. The Aliens are attacking their dropships continuously.

- OBJECTIVE: Use the interceptors to protect dropships and your ARK (assault aircraft carrier) from enemy attacks.

- TIP: You can always order new interceptors aboard your ARK.


- TIP: Use the Dreadnoughts in the BOMBARDMENT MODE to attack the enemy's ARK.

- TIP: Use the Dreadnoughts in the ARTILLERY MODE to attack the enemy’s flying defensive towers.

- TIP: Use the energy weapons of “Gladiator” to destroy the enemy's ARK.

- TIP: Use the long-range homing missiles against the enemy’s interceptors.

- WARNING: Do not dive into the asteroid field. Collisions with meteorites can destroy you!


Combat avatar: Gladiator – space interceptor

Gameplay type: Orbital

Starting state: Outer space

Logistic & supply: Only space units

Weather: -


Category: WARSHIFT Game Missions | (11.08.2015)
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