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In 2062, the colonial planet “Enigma” was invaded by an aggressive alien race Atroid’s from the parallel world that has gone into our universe through the hypothetical “Gates of Chaos”.

WARSHIFT Game Guide | Views: 3608 | Date: 12.08.2015

Colonial Republic did not want to risk human lives, and scientists had to create an entirely new army of intergalactic operations. The republican fleet and the assault battalion “Delta”, consisting of cyber-guards, heavy machinery and robotic drones-transformers was sent to the planet.

WARSHIFT Game Guide | Views: 6343 | Date: 12.08.2015

Atroids are an aggressive non-material form of life from the parallel world that has gone into our universe through the hypothetical “Gates of Chaos”.

WARSHIFT Game Guide | Views: 5274 | Date: 12.08.2015

WARSHIFT Humans Units: ARK assault carrier, Dreadnought heavy battleship, Amphibious rocket launcher, Cyber guardian, Drone-fighter, Drone-bomber, Space Interceptor

Combat avatars: Gladiator, the orbital interceptor, Corsair heavy drone, Raider amphibious armored personnel carrier, Archangel cyborg commando

WARSHIFT Game Guide | Views: 15477 | Date: 12.08.2015

Humans Buildings, Structures: Drilling Platform, Automated factories, Cyborgs base, Vehicle Depot, Defensive tower, Docking Platform

WARSHIFT Game Guide | Views: 6571 | Date: 12.08.2015

Alien faction Structures: Resource Extractor, Droids Factory, Automated Plasmoids Factory, Plasma Tower

WARSHIFT Game Guide | Views: 4579 | Date: 12.08.2015

Alien Faction Units: Alien ARK Gorgona, Alien droid close-fight unit, Placmoid long range unit, Tesloid mid range unit, Trident artillery unit, Harpoon air unit destroyer, Triton alien bomber

Alien Combat Avatars: Arkar Immortal Atroid, Volcano volcanic giant

WARSHIFT Game Guide | Views: 7459 | Date: 12.08.2015

Weapons for Humans combat avatars

WARSHIFT Game Guide | Views: 5108 | Date: 12.08.2015

Upgrades for Humans combat avatars

WARSHIFT Game Guide | Views: 4670 | Date: 12.08.2015

Weapons for Alien combat avatars

WARSHIFT Game Guide | Views: 3756 | Date: 12.08.2015

Upgrades for Alien combat avatars

WARSHIFT Game Guide | Views: 3560 | Date: 12.08.2015

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