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WARSHIFT single player campaign overview: Mission 3 - Back In Control

MISSION 3 - Back In Control


1. Capture coast and destroy enemy towers near the Landing Zone.

2. Land your ARK on the Landing Zone.

3. Build Drilling Platforms to collect 15000 ton of resources.

TIP: Use bomber-drones. Use cargo module of your ‘Raider’ to spawn Cyber Guardians.



 Greetings, Commander! It's time for the landing of our troops on this volcanic island. In the coastal zone, our troops specially prepared for the landing on the coast will be waiting for you. But we have found the enemy defensive structures around the landing zone. First, destroy them, using drone-fighters and drone-bombers. The enemy will soon receive reinforcements, so we have very little time. And if you suddenly find large concentrations of the enemy’s ground units, do not hesitate to call orbital strikes against them. Then, land your amphibious transports on the coast and capture the area around the landing zone to land your ARK on it. Once finished with the coastline of the enemy's defense, immediately proceed to the construction of drilling platforms on the coast. You need to get at least 15 000 tons of resources that are necessary for the construction of our military bases on the island. Build defense towers near each drilling platform.


- Greetings, Commander! The vanguard our army has just arrived in the sector. Our troops are ready for landing on the coast and construction of the first outpost.

- But we have found the enemy defensive structures around the LANDING ZONE. The enemy will soon receive reinforcements, so we have very little time.

- OBJECTIVE #1: First, destroy them, using drone-fighters and drone-bombers.

- KEEP IN MIND: You must set the coordinates for the bombardment for the drone-bombers manually in the ARTILLERY MODE.

- OBJECTIVE #1: Then, land your amphibious transports on the coast and capture the area around the LANDING ZONE.

- OBJECTIVE #2: Locate your ARK right above the LANDING ZONE and order it to land.

- NOTE: When your ARK is landed, you can start creating Resource Extractors, units and defensive structures.

- OBJECTIVE #3: Build new DRILLING PLATFORMS to start mining resources.

- MAIN GOAL: To get 15,000 tons of resources before the enemy has time to do that.

- TIP: Build Defense Towers near each Drilling Platform to protect it from the enemy attacks.

- This heavy vehicle can move both by sea and by land. Use the turbo-acceleration mode.

- TIP: Using the cargo module of your "Raider", you can immediately land troops on the battlefield.


Combat avatar: Raider – armored amphibious personnel carrier

Gameplay type: Resource Rush

Starting state: Airborne

Logistic & supply: Everything

Weather: Day Sunny


Category: WARSHIFT Game Missions | (11.08.2015)
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